“One size doesn’t fit all, that’s why we will make an effort to understand your vision & company mission and will allow you, our client, to dictate a level of service that works for you.”

We are a White River based Marketing and PR company, providing services to businesses and professional individuals in the Mpumalanga Province and beyond. We don’t claim to be better than other marketing agencies, but we do know we operate a little differently.

Firstly, we understand and value individualism, even in businesses. One size doesn’t fit all, that’s why we will make an effort to understand your vision & company mission and will allow you, our client, to dictate a level of service that works for you.

Secondly, we’re not ‘yes men’. We don’t think it’s productive to tell people what they want to hear all the time, so we’re honest and straight down the line. We believe in building relaxed and solid relationships with our clients and strive for great results that arrive out of this.

We’ll be the in-house team you really need but can’t justify the salary for; or we’ll supplement your internal marketing department, offering across the board, conscious and creative solutions for any stage of your business’s life.

Donna – Owner & Business Director

With marketing at the core of her passion for all business, Donna’s experience is rooted in Entrepreneurship, Brand Management, Strategy, Concept Design, Event Management & Execution and even Facilitation.  Close media links,  a large network base, perfectionism, integrity and a strong creative streak, mean she’s the woman to revive your brand, design your PR campaign and manage your event.

Donna is known to work through the night to ensure deadlines are met, with bounds of energy to spare.  Leading with her wild heart, Donna is known as a free spirit with a mystical misfit streak, in that she does things her own way, prioritising individuality, honesty, innovation and solid relationships… a tall ask in the competitive world of marketing.

Our Affiliates

Mindful Marketing enjoys fresh innovation always and believes that collaboration with like-minded entrepreneurs is the best way to get the best options for our clients.

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For those determined to fly, having no wings is a minor detail…